TX012 ノースロップ・グラマン社がオープンアーキテクチャによる高速接続を実演
Northrop Grumman demonstrates open architecture high-speed connectivity
by Staff Writers
San Diego CA (SPX) Aug 18, 2021
久しぶりに少し明るい記事がありましたので、転送させていただきました。こうしたOpen Architectureポリシーを背景にしたNGの活動は、ITテクノロジーの活用範囲を広げ、社会的貢献度が高いと評価できるものではないでしょうか(SS)
Northrop Grumman は、アドバンス・ゲートウェイシステム製品のオープンアーキテクチャの性質を検証しました。 NGは、L3Harris Technologiesが提供する新しい大容量バックボーン(HCB)機能を、ノースロップグラマンのプラットフォームにとらわれないゲートウェイシステムの1つと統合し、その機能が働くことを実証することに成功しました。 Northrop Grummanは、既存のデータリンクと、AIで強化されたネットワーキングにまたがる既存のゲートウェイ変換を組み合わせることで、短期間(1週間以内)でセットアップされたライブの無線テストで、新しい機能を迅速に統合して実証することに成功しました。
Northrop Grumman Corporation has validated the open architecture nature of its advanced gateway system offering by successfully integrating and demonstrating a new High Capacity Backbone (HCB) capability provided by L3Harris Technologies with one of Northrop Grumman’s platform agnostic gateway systems. By combining existing gateway translations across existing data links and AI enhanced networking, Northrop Grumman was able to rapidly integrate and demonstrate a new capability in a live over-the-air test, which was set up in less than a week.

The introduction of next-generation HCB gateway capabilities will enable data flow 300 times faster than the speeds previously available to take advantage of processing speeds needed to help unlock the advanced network architecture needed for the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) effort.
“With this successful demonstration, we have taken HCB-enabled gateways from concept to reality in less than one year,” said Ian Reynolds, director, network solutions, Northrop Grumman. “Our platform agnostic, HCB-enabled gateway systems are designed to deliver the enhanced connectivity and secure processing speeds needed to introduce a wide range of new capabilities that will be critical for maintaining a technological advantage in network-centric, all-domain environments.”
This trial featured an L3Harris HCB system using AESA apertures supporting 600 Mbps and showcased our teams ability to move quickly to integrate new gateway capabilities from industry partners and deliver the Open Mission System and Open Communications System (OMS-OCS) capabilities needed for the JADC2 network using industry standard hardware (3U VPX).
Northrop Grumman’s family of open architecture gateways are designed to gather data from the HCB network and quickly share actionable information across air, land, sea and space domains. These gateways include a multi-level security system and advanced functions such as cloud computing, machine learning, secure and ethical artificial intelligence, next generation datalinks and the use of third-party software and sensor solutions. By gathering information from multiple platforms using beyond line-of-sight, line-of-sight voice and data networks-including 5th generation networks-Northrop Grumman’s HCB-enabled gateway systems will significantly enhance the situational awareness picture for warfighters operating in JADC2 environments.
“As the premier provider of high capacity directional CDL networks, L3Harris looks forward to supporting the DoD’s JADC2 efforts with future HCB team demonstrations,” said Ron Fehlen, VP and GM, U.S. Air Force programs, L3Harris. “Our resilient communications, airborne fielded datalinks, and high bandwidth allows a High Capacity Backbone to move massive data rapidly across networks and create path diversity over the tactical edge to keep warfighters connected.”
Northrop Grumman’s advanced networking technologies, including its HCB gateway systems, help warfighters and branches of the military easily communicate and securely share a Common Operational Picture to create actionable information across air, land, sea and space.
L3Harris is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains. L3Harris has approximately $18 billion in annual revenue and 47,000 employees, with customers in more than 100 countries.
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Northrop Grumman
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Best regards,
Shoichi Sugiyama, Ph.D.